About Us

Welcome to eTravel Log.
We're glad to have you here and hope to offer effective answers to your travel-related questions based on personal experience and research.
eTravel log is a personal documentation of all the functional hacks, latest tips, and quick access to travel visas for top destinations, student scholarships, top vacation spots located in Africa and also the rest of the world, and much other information to ease your travel decisions, that I have been able to gather over several years of my travels and adventures.
What makes eTravellog unique?
The goal of this website is to offer DIY tested and verified travel options for visa procurement, country-based Visa lottery programs,, fully funded scholarships for international students within Canada and neighboring Countries, Top vacation or holiday destinations around the world, cheap available flight offers online, and the opportunity to create a better and more accessible means of relocating to any of these countries of your choice without the need of a Travel agent. If I can do it, along with the rest of my family all the way from Africa down to Canada, US, UK, France, Sweden, and to several other countries around the world, then you can too.
The person behind eTravel log
Hi, I'm Solomon Odukoya, a seasoned Digital Nomad and a professional Investment Banker. I'm a Canadian citizen, a husband, father, and serial adventurer. Having lived both in Europe and North America for over 35 years, coupled with my travel history, I believe I'm well qualified to offer an opinion on travel for both recreation and settlement and that's exactly what I share with you on etravellog.com.
Over the years I've acquired some useful knowledge on getting massive discounts on travel deals, legal immigration opportunities via study abroad programs, work abroad or investment programs, and also have the opportunity to visit the most exquisite places across the world at affordable rates that don't leave a huge hole in your bank account.
Business core values and beliefs
At the center of all, we do at etravellog, seeing others succeed through our little efforts in providing the right information to bring about the desired results in the quest to relocate abroad, find a vacation spot that's within their budget, get that needed scholarship to further their academic conquest or even win that opportunity for dual citizenship that will offer their family and unborn generation better opportunities at succeeding in life is and will always be our Goal and Reward. We take much pride in seeing you win through our informative efforts.
Why do Travel enthusiasts choose us?
eTravel Log is just an everyday information logbook of a well-traveled adventurer that has a wealth of information on how to easily move from your current country to your desired country without the hassles, headaches, limitations, and cost implications you might face if you enlisted the service of an agency or agent. I'm that guy that can help you with all your travel needs, immigration through studies, immigration through investment, relocation through visa lottery programs, and many more, without actually charging you a DIME.
Because I can and I believe there are a lot more people like me out there looking to travel the world and experience different cultures while staying within their budget or even for Free. And with etravellog, It's my little way of sharing and fulfilling their dreams, one travel adventurer at a time.
Would like to drop me a message? You can do so by sending me a mail at sol@etravellog.com or subscribing to our list to be among the first to get access to our articles. And you can also follow etravellog on Facebook and Instagram for more updates.
All the best!